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Demo Reels

Film/ TV





Guinevere has worked and volunteered in audio since 2018, and has worked with groups from The Mannstag Collective, to Postmodern Jukebox. A large majority of their work was done While working in the UVU Noorda Center for the Performing Arts, where they would do anything from being the Audio Supervisor to being the Live Sound Mixer. What she was proudest of while there, was being the Lead Sound Mixer for "Mixtape Live," every year she worked there. Since then they have returned to contract work, refocusing on Studio Recording, and Sound Design. But That hasn't stopped her from volunteering. Recently she has begun a project with KPCW Radio where they are digitizing and restoring all their archives.

Most Recent Project

Location Sound
- The Relic -
Short Film


Want to learn more about Guinevere, their experience, or looking to Hire? Don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Thanks for submitting!

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